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Sunday mornings
A COMMUNITY prayerfully seeking to glorify God, by following Jesus and partnering with the Holy Spirit, so the world may know Him.
Sunday Mornings
Life moves fast, and so do we. Many people ask, “How do I fit Jesus into all the craziness?” A lot of times what we do is we make a list of all the things we're supposed to do, but this is not the way Jesus intended it to be. In our western culture learning has everything to do with information, but in the eastern culture where Jesus was, learning was all about becoming somebody or becoming like the rabbi they were following. And the way they became like their rabbi is they just did everything their rabbi did. They would walk so closely with them that they were just covered in their dust. So, how do we follow Jesus in this culture we live in? We practice living like our Rabbi did. We start by Practicing the Way.
Service is the overflow of discipleship. It seeks to extend God’s grace and mercy to others for His glory and not our own. We serve as an expression of love and stewardship of grace, marked by humility, generosity and hospitality.
A weekly brief of new resources, announcements, and peeks behind the scenes from our staff.
1009 E Beebe-Capps Expressway
Searcy, AR 72143
501.279.9900 |