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This is a picture of a worship service at Fellowship.

At Fellowship, we believe that God is simply worthy of our highest praise. He’s worthy to be praised greatly! It is our desire to be a Spirit-filled house, full of people who are passionately proclaiming His praises and pursuing His presence. We want to bring our whole hearts before Him, expressing our thankfulness to Him - not just for what He’s done, is doing, and will do, but for who He is.

This type of worship is not only for our Sundays. This is an entire lifestyle we are called to as believers - daily laying down our lives for the worth and kingship of Jesus. This is our spiritual act of worship.


If you have any questions or would like more information regarding our worship ministry, please contact Josh Starks.

Email Josh



Contact Info

1009 E Beebe-Capps Expressway
Searcy, AR 72143
501.279.9900 | info@fellowshipsearcy.org