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Ben Pukas

Ben was born in the amazing city of Tampa, Florida where he was raised and received a love for the beach and the outdoors. He ended up staying in Tampa to get his degree in finance and economics at the University of South Florida, and to this day remains a die-hard Bulls fan. During his time at USF, he felt God calling him away from the business world and into the ministry world. Ben became a student pastor for Grace Community Church in Brandon, Florida, and a year and a half later moved to Dallas, Texas to be trained in the fellowship at Watermark Community Church for 10 months. Ben has a huge heart for students and for them to see that the abundant life is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ and that following Him can be fun and fulfilling, not boring and restricting.

Ben is not married but hope to one day have a family. He has a German Shepherd puppy, and she is like his child, and as such, is his family.

Ben loves playing and watching sports of all kinds, but doing things with people is what gives him the most joy. Whether watching movies (favorite movies are The Notebook and Remember the Titans), playing games or sports, or just talking, it doesn’t matter as long as he’s with the people he loves.

To contact Ben, click here.

Faithfulness Despite Silence

When Obedience Never Been Enough?

When Things Aren’t OK

Sheep reunited with their Shepherd

Trust on paper Vs. Trust in Action

The Weight of Glory

Hannah's Faithfulness

The Compassionate Father and His two Sons

Costly Perfume

Stewarding the Church's 3 Greatest Gifts

Gifts: Spit Us Out, or Wanting More?





Singleness Panel

Sex Isn't the Problem

United at the Core


Stewarding Your Resources

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Be the Church

By Faith

True faith is essential for us to experience all God has for us in this life. We need faith in what God has said to us is true and reliable. There is the faith that results in rest for what God has and is doing as well as the faith required to entrust the future to His care. In this series, we will get to the practical implications of faith as it was lived out in the saints of old. Hebrews chapter eleven will be our text and we invite you to join us on this faith journey.


Our bodies yearn for it, the earth yearns for it and since it is the destiny of Christ followers for eternity then we had better get an understanding of what it will be like. Spoiler alert; we won't be singing all the time.


It seems these days we move from Halloween to Christmas rushing through November like a passing telephone pole on the highway of life. Not so fast, in this two-part series we want to slow it down enough to talk about why having a thankful Spirit is so important to God and our spiritual health. Part one will concern horizontal thanksgiving. ( giving thanks in and for all things). Part two will dive into vertical thanksgiving ( giving thanks to God for who He is and what He does apart from what he does for us).

Christmas According to the Gospels

Then the End Will Come

Are we there yet? If you're a parent then you've been asked this question many times on a long road trip. What about Jesus' return, are we there yet? Maybe you have or have not asked this question but there is no doubt we are getting close. The scripture isn't silent about what is to come and in this series we will look at what is happening and what is to yet happen before Jesus returns.

Truth & Culture

As culture continues to shift according to current popular thought, Christ-followers can find themselves caught in the crosshairs of this public opinion. What do the scriptures have to say about current issues of the day? In this series, we will tackle the tough issues and see what the revealed word of God has to say. After all, it is our final authority.

You Shall Be My Witnesses

Just before Jesus ascends into heaven, he says those last words that have echoed through the ages as a mandate for all those who would follow after him. " You shall be my witnesses" The early church understood this to be a foundational part of what it means to follow Christ, so what has happened? Is it an option? How do I do it? What will people think? In this series we hope you will be equipped and empowered to be a witness as we take a fresh look at a powerful mandate.

Stand Alone

Find sermons not a part of a series, but are so important to hear, right here.

Mark: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

All four gospels were written to help maintain the purity of the gospel. Each of them complement one another even though they are written from a different viewpoint. Mark is a no-nonsense action-oriented guy so it's no wonder his gospel is like being shot out of a cannon.  His gospel is the shortest and contains more conversation about His miracles as opposed to the parables. As we journey through Mark's gospel our hope is that we will love and appreciate the gospel at an even deeper level.

Mercy is Here

In Jesus, Mercy took on flesh. God coming to us to help us in our distress and misery as well as taking the brunt of what we rightly deserve. In this series we will take a fresh look at mercy from the view of Herod, Mary, Joseph and the Magi. When rightly understood, mercy along with grace is a game changer.

One Verse

Have you ever come across a verse in the Bible that speaks directly to the moment you are in? I think we all have and hopefully, the verse provided has been kept in your heart for future times. In our new summer sermon series "One Verse" we will be traveling through the scriptures looking at a verse from each book of the Bible, understanding its context and application to our lives. May His Word dwell richly in each of our hearts.

Real Life In Psalms

Life is hard, life is messy and life can be complicated. This is Real Life. The Psalms reveal these truths are nothing new and in fact, there can be joy and peace in the midst of whatever life throws our way. In this series, we will get real and talk about Life, a life that isn't easy but definitely worth living.

Romans: Foundations of Faith

Romans is a book about the heart of the gospel, that maintains the purity of the gospel so that the gospel can be received in our lives and proclaimed accurately. You get the point, the book is Gospel-centered and is so needed in our "believe whatever feels good" culture. Join us as we travel through Romans through the Spring season

The Wonder of His Love

The love that would leave the safe confines of heaven to live among those who don't want you to be there is a supernatural kind of love. This is the wonder of the love of Jesus. It is a love he instills IN US, WITH US, FOR US and that SAVES US. Come along this December as we contemplate the Wonder of His Love.

Faithful Church - 2 Timothy

Paul is writing from jail and it's not looking good for his release. In this letter to Timothy, Paul instructs this young next generation pastor to remain faithful in all areas of life. His words ring true for us today as we are exhorted to remain true in our time.

Something Old Something New

To truly appreciate the truths of the New Testament, we must have a grasp on the Old Testament gems that are waiting to be found. The Old Testament gets little respect these days mainly because we don’t understand the major themes that are at play and how the gospel story is woven through out its pages. In this series we want to pull something new out of something old.

Contagious Faith

Is your faith contagious? Webster defines it as "exciting similar emotions and conduct in others." I think we could add our belief in Christ to that definition as well. Verbalizing our faith is not the only thing but it is at the top of Jesus list of why we are on this planet. After all, His last words as he ascended into heaven were, " You shall be my witnesses". Yet it is not a one size fits all approach. God has wired you with gifts and personality that can draw others to Him. In this series we will unpack the various styles of sharing your faith and bring clarity as to your style.

Marks of a Disciple

Jesus calls us to be disciples and then commands us to go make disciples. So what does that look like? In this series we will uncover this foundational aspect of the Christian life. Join us as we look at loving Jesus, imitating Jesus, abiding in his Word, stewarding our resources, denying self, reconciling through the cross, and reflecting Christ's love

Home for Christmas

Home for Christmas... Just the thought can surface a wide variety of emotions based upon where we are in life or the kind of memories we have. There is something about Christmas time that tends to elevate whatever we are experiencing. Disappointment can be daunting, Stress can be overwhelming, Sadness can be consuming and Joy can be exhilarating. In this series we will dive into these different emotions hopefully to find the heart of Christmas.

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